Reviews and Exhibitions

«Stereo Times»
«Stereo Times»
The Complete Audiophile Magazine

The other Kaiser Kawero setup was run by Hajime Sato, US importer behind the Japanese-made Concert Fidelity/Silicon Arts electronics. The 200-watt mono amps ($40k), and preamp combo ($20k), sang wonderfully by virtue of their partnership with the Kaweros. Always had a hint the Kaweros enjoyed tubes.

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Image hifi
Image hifi
Test Vollverstärker NEM AI-50

„Na, wie sieht’s aus“, fragt mich der Mann mit dem Rugby-Shirt, „hast duProbleme mit dem Rücken oder so?“ Vor der Redaktion parkt ein unschein-barer Kombi, doch in der Tiefe des Kofferraums schimmert geheimnis-voll ein edelschwarzer Monolith. Natürlich hatte ich vorab schon ein wenig über das Gepäckstück... erfahren. Und angesichts des im Telefonat

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Audio reviews NEM AI-50

„Novosibirsk in Siberia is not the first city that comes to mind for high-end audio. But that city did come up in an e-mail from Louis Motek, the driving force behind the LessLoss brand located in Kaunas, Lithuania. In his mail Louis mentioned meeting a special person who happened to demo a very special amplifier... while in Kaunas on his way to Latvia. Here’s what Louis reported: "I had never

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Products NEM were shown at exhibitions:
  • 2019
  • 2018

    «Munich High End Show» (En)


  • 2010

    «Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, Denver, Colorado» (En)

    USA, State of Colorado, Denver

Till 2010 export division of ERAUDIO. The products ERAUDIO were shown at exhibitions:
  • 2002

    «The 2002 International CES» (En)

    USA, Las Vegas

    «The 2002 International CES» (En)

  • 2001

    «le Festival Son et Image» (En)

    Canada, Montreal

  • 2000



  • 1999

